Fellow Old Man, Sage advice indeed And, as always, well said, Doc. So, this definitely resonates with me. I’m thankful to have music—playing regularly with friends regularly as well as seeking out real live music wherever we go—and over the years I’ve seen therapists. But as we’ve discussed, I highly recommend joining a men’s group that meets regularly for the camaraderie as well as moral support and, yes, therapy of sorts. I’ve been part of one group that meets weekly for 35 years and another that meets every 2 weeks, by zoom and then in person, for about 7 years. I am so bonded to the former bunch, Cody knows to call them if I’m showing signs of distress I’m not picking up on. They’ve saved my life. Seriously.

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Timely advice. After my heart stopped in March I slowly became aware of the aging question and accompanying depression. “S**t, I AM getting old”. Not sure if it’s age, PTSD or medication side effects, but the journey begins to finding out

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Thanks Steve. It does...as we recall God is not finished with us yet. Thanks friend. I so enjoyed our lunch. Carpe Diem. Take care. Keep reading.

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